Try 2 weeks free tailored dog food

Every dog gets their own recipe

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Excellent Trustpilot Stars

Over 30,000 reviews on Trustpilot

Salmon oil for shiny coats.

Skin and coat health

Yucca and wholegrains for healthy poo.

Digestive health

Added glucosamine for joint support.

Joint health
A happy customer with her delivery

How it works

  1. Tell us all about your dog and their health
  2. Get 2 weeks free of their unique kibble recipe
  3. Add delicious wet food and treats and get 50% off
  4. We deliver to your door every month - pause or cancel anytime
Tailored dry food bag with kibble and portion scoop

Supports digestion, joints, skin and coat health

  • We create a unique kibble recipe based on your dog’s age, breed, lifestyle and more. 
  • Their personalised blend is made with precise nutrients for their health needs and will adapt as they age.
  • Packed with protein, root vegetables and wholegrains, for energy, fibre and proper nutrients. 
  • No added sugar, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Our empty bowl guarantee

We’ll give you tips for a smooth switch to your dog’s new food, and if they don’t love their kibble, we’ll change their blend for you.

Our empty bowl guarantee

Try 2 weeks free tailored dog food plus 50% off wet food and treats.